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待降節に向けての ゆるしの秘跡

通常 St. John Cathedral では、主日のミサ前にお御堂後方の告解室で
司祭から "ゆるしの秘跡" を受けることができます。
"ゆるしの秘跡" (英語)の機会を特に設けている教会のスケジュールは
11月24日(火) PM6:45 から
St. Anthony Church
5 Jalan Robertson off Jalan Pudu,  Tel:03-2141 4172
11月25日(水) PM7:30 から
Our Lady of Fatima Church
Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad,  Tel:03-2274 1631
12月11日(金) PM12:30 から
St. John's Cathedral 
5 Jalan Bukit Nanas,  Tel:03-2078 1876
12月15日(日) PM8:00 から
Holy Rosary Church
10 Jalan Tun Sambanthan,  Tel:03-2274 2747
11月30日(月) PM8:00 から
St. Joseph Church
Jalan Sentul, Tel: 03-4041 5304

11月30日(月) PM8:00 から
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Mentakab
12月1日(火) PM8:00から
Church of Jesus Caritas, Kepong
Jalan Kepong Baru, Tel: 03- 6274 4071
12月2日(水) PM8:00から
Church of Our Lady of Loudes, Klang
12月3日(木) PM7:30から
Church of the Holy Family, Kajang
12月4日(金) PM7:00から
Church of Divine Mercy, Shah Alam
また、英語での "ゆるしの秘跡" は日本語の内容と同じとはいえ、慣れない部分も多々あり、つい緊張したり足が遠のいたりしていまいがちです。 
英語での "ゆるしの秘跡" の進め方の一例として、以下の例文が参考になればと
In the Confessional
  1. The priest will welcome you.
  2. Begin by making the Sign of the Cross.
  3. A simple formula can get you going: “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was ___ days/months/years ago and these are my sins.”
  4. You then list the kind and number of your sins (e.g. I missed Mass 3 times; I lied 20 times).
  5. The priest may ask you questions and/or offer you counsel.
  6. The priest will give you an appropriate penance (e.g. “For your penance, please pray 2 Hail Marys).
  7. The priest then invites you (the penitent) to make an Act of Contrition. There are no required words, although you need to include that you are sorry and that you will amend your life. A commonly used Act of Contrition is the following:
    My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to good, I have sinned against You, whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with the help of Your grace, to sin no more and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.Our Savior, Jesus Christ, suffered and died for us. In His name, my God, have mercy.
  8. The priest then prays the prayer of absolution (forgiveness):
    God the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of His Son, has reconciled the world to Himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins. Through the ministry of the Church, may God give you pardon and peace. I absolve you from your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
  9. You answer, “Amen.”
  10. The priest may then say, “God has forgiven your sins. Go in peace.”
  11. You respond, “Thanks be to God.”
  12. You then leave and as soon as possible complete the penance the priest has assigned to you.
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